Sunday, November 9, 2014

"Is This Normal??"

"So, you can't do this?"
You know you you have EDS when you are constantly asking people around you if the things you do and feel are normal... You can't trust yourself, seeing as you went YEARS thinking all kinds of crazy junk was perfectly normal. lol.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

When you're walking along and suddenly...

That moment when you're walking along and you go to take a step and for some reason your ankle rolls and your foot just decides to be sideways.

And you're like, WTHeck, Foot? Since when has sideways EVER been an appropriate position when walking? It's not like we're new to the whole walking thing either, it's been some 20 odd years now, we should really have this down by now... GET IT TOGETHER ALREADY! 

And then you look like a lunatic because you literally just tripped over your own foot, and then had a conversation with it.

Gotta love life with EDS ;)

Friday, September 12, 2014

That awkward moment when you realize your collegen is faulty...

That moment when you realize that most people's bodies are like handcrafted keepsakes, painstakingly created from the best quality materials possible... and yours is like a "made in China" piece of plastic from the dollar store.

At least I'm entertaining 'til I break?? Which means you've got about five minutes ;)